
Art may seem like fun and games — and it is! — but you may not realize that your child is actually learning a lot through exploring the arts and doing art activities. Your children will gain useful life skills through art, so encourage them to get creative.

A Farm Collage, very easy to make:

  1. cut out some farm animal pictures, flowers, clouds shapes, insects, birds, etc
  2. glue some hay/even green grass (it will dry in time and look like hay)

and you are done!

While the children are making the collage, you can talk about a visit at the farm, or sing Old McDonald Had a Farm. Early childhood is the time when children learn about their world, primarily through the process of play. The more varied skills you bring together in a single activity, the better experience your children can have! So, do not hesitate to bring music, singing and actions together when you are having an art and craft activity; it doesn’t have to be a silent-making collage!!!!