

These are 2 Samples of Valentine’s day Cards.

Both of them are very simple to make:

1. Use cut out shapes or cut some on your own. Paint the paper pink, using paint and glue 50:50. Don’t let it dry, immediately put the cut out shapes where you want on the picture; they will stick automatically.

2. Paint the paper pink using pink paint and glue 50:50. Don’t let it dry, glue the jelly hearts/or other shapes, as many as it fits for the purpose (this card was from a child to his gran and grandad, so we used 3 hearts). Then, you can put some spagetti to crate the feeling of a frame, they will automatically glue. Warning: the jelly hearts dry very slow, so you either wanna make the card in advance, or you don’t place it in an envelope for a while. The children had fun, especially seeing that they can create nice, sweet things with their favourite jellies 🙂